Archive for the ‘Video’ Category

Big news! Blog is moving + Day’s Edge site is live!

Nathan Dappen and I are proud to announce the launch of the Day’s Edge Productions website:! Day’s Edge Productions is our new multimedia production company, creating science and nature media for every audience. Please take a few minutes to browse the site — check out our videos and photos (more coming soon) and tell [...]

Turning scientists into (visual) storytellers

I just read an interesting blog post by Randy Olson, scientist-turned-filmmaker and author of the book Don’t Be Such a Scientist: Talking Substance in an Age of Style. Olson teaches three-day filmmaking workshops for science students, and he just finished his most recent one in Norway… Read the blog post and you can see the [...]

The Digital Naturalist

I have an utterly absurd amount of stuff to finish before I head to North Carolina on Thursday for the ScienceOnline2011 conference in Research Triangle Park. But although I don’t have anything new of my own to share at the moment, I don’t want to let my frenzy of commitments and deadlines get in the [...]

Witness: Defining Conservation Photography

As most nature photographers — and an increasing number of folks outside the photographic community — know, the International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP) is a collection of some of the most gifted photographers in the world, dedicated to promoting conservation with their work. The term “conservation photography” is so new that many people, even [...]

Last week’s video now… Untamed!

A couple of months ago, I posted an interview with Suzanne Rutishauser, part of the Untamed Science team. Untamed Science is a group of biologists and filmmakers who produce great educational science films. Well, Rob Nelson, co-founder of Untamed Science, liked our “Video Blog” project from the Science Filmmaking course enough that he’s featuring it [...]

New video: Researcher Profile – Kristin Aquilino

I recently wrote about the excellent Scientific Filmmaking workshop I took at Bodega Bay last month, and I shared a few of the exercises I had done during the workshop. Well, after submitting a big grant last week, I had time to sit down and put a few finishing touches on the final “video blog” project [...]

Scientific Filmmaking 101

Imagine you’re a biologist. Nothing in your formal training has prepared you to communicate with the public about your work… that just isn’t part of a scientific education these days. So, what if you want people outside the scientific community to understand what you do? Should you tell them to read the papers you’ve published [...]

Untamed Science!

A friend recently turned me on to a really cool website: Untamed Science is a group of scientist/filmmakers (“Ecogeeks” in their own words) who create short, educational science videos for young audiences. When I started watching some of the videos on their website, I loved the dynamic, in-your-face approach they took. After watching a [...]

The cloud forest for couch potatoes

Canopy in the Clouds is a really cool website created by a photographer, Drew Fulton, a tropical plant ecologist, Greg Goldsmith, and a cinematographer, Colin Witherill, and funded by National Geographic Society Young Explorers Grants (the same program that has partly funded my dissertation research on anoles). Through an intuitive interface, users can explore different [...]

Science can be visual!

One of the recurring themes of this blog is that science can be represented visually, and that using visual media to communicate about science is a powerful approach. There are lots of great projects out there that integrate science and visual media, but most of that synthesis happens at the edges of science, not at [...]