Big news! Blog is moving + Day’s Edge site is live!
Nathan Dappen and I are proud to announce the launch of the Day’s Edge Productions website:! Day’s Edge Productions is our new multimedia production company, creating science and nature media for every audience. Please take a few minutes to browse the site — check out our videos and photos (more coming soon) and tell us what you think! We look forward to hearing from you! You can also follow Day’s Edge on and .
Along with the new site’s launch, Nate and I are merging our separate blogs into a single Day’s Edge Productions blog. We’re still going to be writing about the same stuff — science, photography, video, and related topics — but now you’ll have twice as much to read! Our blogs have been on a bit of a hiatus recently because we’ve been working on the new site. But we should be back, blogging at full tilt, now that the site is launched. Make sure to update your RSS reader if you’ve been following our feeds.