Archive for September 2010

Untamed Science!

A friend recently turned me on to a really cool website: Untamed Science is a group of scientist/filmmakers (“Ecogeeks” in their own words) who create short, educational science videos for young audiences. When I started watching some of the videos on their website, I loved the dynamic, in-your-face approach they took. After watching a [...]

No rest for the weary

I spent a very enjoyable week at home in Virginia visiting my family. (I also spent a beautiful morning photographing butterflies at Wakefield Park in Fairfax County, VA, and I’m including a few pictures here.) As I write this, I’m on a plane from Washington, DC to Los Angeles. Tonight, I’m getting on another plane [...]

The cloud forest for couch potatoes

Canopy in the Clouds is a really cool website created by a photographer, Drew Fulton, a tropical plant ecologist, Greg Goldsmith, and a cinematographer, Colin Witherill, and funded by National Geographic Society Young Explorers Grants (the same program that has partly funded my dissertation research on anoles). Through an intuitive interface, users can explore different [...]

Science can be visual!

One of the recurring themes of this blog is that science can be represented visually, and that using visual media to communicate about science is a powerful approach. There are lots of great projects out there that integrate science and visual media, but most of that synthesis happens at the edges of science, not at [...]

Nature photos: a story in an image?

Nature photography is an increasingly crowded field, and it’s hard to stand out among all the photographers creating incredible images. I’ve written before about the proliferation of internet forums for photographers, and how these forums can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, they foster healthy competition among photographers and encourage [...]

My new Canon 7D: Dud or Stud?

I managed to get out to Malibu Lagoon State Beach for a few hours on Sunday to test out my new Canon 7D camera. Did it live up to my expectations? Did I live up to my expectations? Keep reading for my impressions and a preliminary verdict. A month ago, I had three Canon SLRs: [...]