Nathan Dappen Nathan Dappen is a biologist and photographer. He conducted his Ph.D. research studying color evolution and sexual coevolution in the Ibiza wall lizard. To find out more about Dr. Dappen visit:

Neil Losin Neil Losin is a biologist and photographer. He conducted his Ph.D. research studying the evolution of territoriality in invasive lizards of Florida and the Caribbean. To find out more about Dr. Losin visit:

Nathan Dappen Valentín Pérez-Mellado is a professor of zoology in the Department of Animal Biology at the University of Salamanca (Spain). In his long career, he has published hundreds of scientific articles and a handful of books about lizard ecology and evolution. To find out more about Dr. Pérez-Mellado visit:

The Symbol: Wall Lizards of Ibiza and Formentera