About Nate Dappen

 Posted by at 10:43 pm on February 27, 2011

I’m a photographer, filmmaker and scientist based in Miami, Florida. Im currently pursuing my PhD in evolutionary biology and behavioral ecology. In my PhD work I investigate the coevolution of the sexes. Specifically, I study color evolution in males and females of a lizard species living on a group of Spanish Mediterranean Islands. I believe that photography, filmmaking, and science compliment one another—that it takes critical thinking to create great art and that creative ideas are needed to solve scientific problems. More importantly, I believe that the tools provided by photography and cinematography can be a powerful way of communicating science. Neil Losin and I started Days Edge Production for just that—to teach people science in an entertaining and fun way

  One Response to “About Nate Dappen”

  1. [...] Dr. Nate Dappen of the University of Miami has been studying these lizards for the last three years. What first [...]

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