They say time flies when you’re having fun. And evidently it flies even faster when you’re working 12-hour days photographing lizards in an island paradise! Our time in Formentera is drawing to a close — we leave for Ibiza tomorrow morning, and we’ve got a busy schedule planned for the final five days of our expedition there. The local response to our project continues to be really encouraging… everyone we tell about our project seems excited that we are creating a book about their iconic sargantanas. And the local media have continued to cover our expedition as well; the total is now up to 2 TV interviews, 1 radio interview, and 2 newspaper articles about our work. The most recent addition to this tally is a really nice article (in Spanish) by reporter Carmelo Convalia in the most widely read newspaper on the islands, Diario de Ibiza. One of the nice things about this latest article is that it’s in color! We got the whole back page of the newspaper devoted to our project, with several color photographs. We took a quick picture of the newspaper (the front page is just for reference; the article about our work is on the back page), which you can check out below (click the image to enlarge).
On a side note, this is our 200th blog post on Day’s Edge Productions! We hope all of our readers will stick around for another 200!