With the beginning of my field season (more on that soon), there hasn’t been much time for blogging. So there’s a lot to catch up on! First, here are some cool things on the web that you might have missed in the last few weeks.
The devastating tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri has all but disappeared from the news by now, but this op-ed from the Kansas City Star is definitely worth reading. The author compares the 2011 Joplin tornado with a huge tornado that caused the near-complete devastation of Greensburg, Kansas back in 2007. I just happened to drive through Greensburg a couple of months after the tornado, and the destruction was truly gut-wrenching. The resilient residents of Greensburg, however, have committed themselves not only to rebuilding their town, but to rebuilding it better. The new Greensburg might just be the “greenest” town in America.
The National Academies Press has taken the bold step of making ALL of their book titles downloadable — for free! — in PDF format. Many of these titles are aimed at scientists (things like “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals”), but there are plenty of others (like “Science, Evolution, and Creationism“) that will be accessible to any reader. Kudos to NAP for making such an impressive resource available to everyone!
Our friend Rob Sheppard posted some of his thoughts about what constitutes the “hand of man” in nature photographs. Rob’s blog is good reading, and this post is no exception.
If you haven’t already checked out the entries in the NESCent Evolution Film Festival, they’re worth a look. “Cold-blooded Cannibals” may have won the festival, but there are a number of really good entries. Check them all out here.
Finally, since I’m always on the lookout for good visual interpretations of science, this comic by cartoonist Darryl Cunningham caught my eye. Through an illustrated dialogue between a creationist and an evolutionary biologist, the comic addresses many of the common misconceptions about evolution and explains the evidence that supports the theory.